Non-Surgical Treatment for Herniated Disc


According to government estimates 60% – 80% of adults will experience back pain, and 20% -70% will experience neck pain that interferes with their daily activities at some point in their lives.

As common as back pain is, treating this condition still has no guarantee. Traditional treatment options from prescription painkillers and opioids to surgery often give very disappointing results (60% success rate).

Fortunately, there’s a new medical solution called non-surgical spinal decompression. This treatment has proved to have amazing effectiveness (90% success rate) giving positive results in relieving back and neck pain, and its related symptoms without the use of narcotics, invasive injections, or dangerous surgeries. Most chronic back problems are caused by compression from the disc becoming thinner and thinner as we get older.

The treatment consists of putting the patient on the table and decompressing their neck or low back and slowly and easily popping water nutrients and oxygen back into the disc so that it heals itself stronger than it was before. These treatments are so gentle patients usually fall asleep and then wake up relieved.

Fit Vida Chiropractic and Disc Centers of America are committed to bringing the highest standard of disc treatment with Non-surgical Spinal Decompression to Berks County. Our goal is to get you out of pain and back to work, active life or spending quality time with your children.

Call us for a FREE consultation, bring your MRI scan (if you have one), we will look at it and tell you if we can help you. Dr.Thomas P. Canseco DC Fit Vida Chiropractic / Disc Centers of America Reading 4453 Penn Ave #6, Sinking Spring, PA 19608 Phone: 610-750-6804

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